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“When I donate to bless the kids, It leaves me with peace of mind,, knowing that I contributed to making a differance.”

Sandra Wellington

“I just wanted to thank you for being so dedicated to providing relief for so many children. I donated my vehicle and received a copy of the actual check that you sent to help the kids. I know that my donations are safe with you. Keep on Caring!”
Thomas Artz



Large Disasters Such As Hurricanes, Tornadoes, And Earthquakes make the news—but most emergencies don't. A house fire or a loved one needing healthcare may not be a big enough issue to make the news, but they're a tragedy for those involved. In every single case, it is the mission of Bless The Kids Foundation to be there and help those in need—whether disaster strikes thousands of people all at once... or one single family in the middle of the night.

Our Job Never Stops —Children are always in need —every single day. Please help us continue our lifesaving work, with a secure online donation today!

Your contribution means that we can continue to provide our incredible services worldwide. Your gift today, will provide hope and relief for a brighter tomorrow.

Financial contributions to Bless The Kids Fund. are tax-deductible.